

The date is finally here. July 5, 2012. I've seen it coming especially with little reminders that I get from a variety of different things.  Like...

The expiration date of the milk. 
And I was at the library last week and there were reminders all around reminding people that the library would be closed for the 4th, but no need to fear, it would reopen the 5th of July.
It's crazy, I remember when he called telling me that he got his call to Mexico and I was so excited for him, and that was back when I was still in school. Time flies by when you don't want it to. I guess it will just be the threesome of Taylor, Audrey, and I again. Goodbye Michael. We will miss you and all the interesting things that you do! Thanks for being a great friend and we will see you in 2 years! Good Luck Elder!!!

Side Note-
He's not a love interest, just a really good friend.

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